日本財団 図書館


a designated examiner under Article 50-(4) item 5 for the subjects to be exempted from the examination in accordance with the provisions of Article 50-(2) paragraph 2.


(Revocation of Designation of Training School for Airmen)
Article 50-(7). The Minister of Transport may, when he deems that an Approved Training School for Airmen has not satisfied the standards under Article 50-(4) or an administrator of the said Approved Training School for Airmen has issued a certificate of completion violating the provisions of Article 50-(6), revoke the designation.


Article 51. Aircraft specified in Ordinances of the Ministry of Transport under the provisions of Article 28 paragraph 3 of the Law shall be as follows:
(1)A junior class glider and a middle class glider
(2)Aircraft which shall be operated outside of Japan and be piloted by a person on board recognized by the Minister of Transport as having the necessary knowledge and ability to engage in aerial work for the said aircraft. (including the skills regarding the airframe and engines by a person on board)


Article 51-(2). Any person who will obtain permission under Article 28 paragraph 3 of the Law shall submit to the Minister of Transport an application describing the following items:
(1)Name and address;
(2)Category, class and type of aircraft, nationality and registration marks of aircraft;
(3)Outline of flight plan (indicating the purpose, schedule and route of flight);
(4)Name and qualification of pilot;
(5)Names of other person on board and their purpose; and
(6)Other referential matters.


(Form of Competence Certificate)
Article 52. The form of a competence certificate under Article 23 of the Law shall be known as Form No. 20.


Article 53. Ratings on the category of aircraft under Article 25 paragraph 1 of this Law and class of aircraft under the same Article paragraph 2 shall be made for aircraft to be used for a practical examination. In this case, the class of aircraft shall be the class listed in the right side column corresponding to the category of aircraft listed in the left side column of the following table.





